Pollution due to dredging, environmental degradation caused by gold mining, and fishing activities that led to the disappearance of marine resources: this list of damage to the Falémé – the main tributary of the Senegal River – is not exhaustive.
Country: Mali
Une pollution imputable au dragage des eaux ; un scandale environnemental dû à l’orpaillage ; des activités de pêche qui entraîne la disparition des ressources halieutiques. La liste des dommages causés à la Falémé – affluent principal du fleuve Sénégal – n’est pas exhaustive.
Gaming the Lottery
In Mali, does PMU ride for the party in power?
It is up to the RPM party to offer loincloths to its activists on the eve of the festivities of March 8, 2017. But when Pari mutuel urbain (PMU-Mali) – Malian mixed economy company in which the Malian state holds 75% of the capital, does it in its place – there is nothing more illegal. […]