Gaming the Lottery

Lotto millions spent on two ‘missing movies’

R18,96m was given for documentaries about virginity testing, albino rights

Gaming the Lottery

Lottery gives out more money to associates of controversial lawyer

R20m awarded to companies linked to Lesley Ramulifho whose other project is under investigation

Gaming the Lottery

How a hijacked organisation scored millions from the Lottery

Troubling questions for the COO of the National Lotteries Commission

Gaming the Lottery

The Lawyer, the Lottery and millions in dodgy grants

National Lotteries Commission launches investigation into multi-million rand grants

Gaming the Lottery

Lottery grants under investigation

The National Lottery Commission (NLC) gave a R22 million grant to a drug rehabilitation and sports centre without it being registered as a treatment centre with the Department of Social Development, a statuary requirement to operate such a facility.

Gaming the Lottery

Lottery investigated internationally

Lowvelder recently became part of their investigative team, making it 61 people in the world looking into the lottery funding.

Gaming the Lottery

Who plays the Lottery?

Lotto is South Africa is hugely supported by poor and low income earners, with 73 per cent of players earning less than R5 000 a month – and of those 33 per cent earn R1 000 a month or less.

Gaming the Lottery

National Lottery Commission denies any wrongdoing

“We view Lowvelder’s accusations of corruption and insinuations that the beneficiary lied to the journalist in a very serious light, as they cast aspersions on both the NLC and the beneficiary.”

Gaming the Lottery

Sascoc kicked off the lottery Gravy Train

Torrent of cash has been severely curtailed after the publication of this year’s ‘priority areas for funding’ guidelines by the National Lotteries Commission

Gaming the Lottery

Mbulaheni stadium slowly gathers momentum

A state-of-the-art sports complex to be built at Muduluni in honour of the late 800-metre track star, Mbulaheni Mulaudzi, who died in a car crash in 2014, is slowly getting off the ground. In January this year, details of the project were announced amid the usual fanfare and political claptrap. A sod-turning ceremony, attended by […]