Brant Houston, who served more than 10 years as the executive director for IRE and now teaches at the University of Illinois, is a member of CCIJ’s Board of Directors.
Country: United States
Cheryl, an award-winning investigative correspondent for NPR who teaches investigative reporting at George Washington University, serves on CCIJ’s Board of Directors.
Yaffa Fredrick is Editorial Director for CCIJ, working to coordinate, guide and edit reporters through their investigative process.
Jeff is the founder and executive director of CCIJ. His investigative reporting and educational work has earned numerous awards and honors.
NPR’s Monica Eng uncovers some key takeaways that Chicago — and other cities with lead in their water systems — might find helpful if and when they finally decide to get the lead out.
Some cash-strapped Midwest cities are removing aging lead water pipes. Chicago, which has the largest inventory of lead pipes, hasn’t tackled the problem. What can it learn from the cities that have?
Gaming the Lottery
The Lottery Industry
Have you bought your lottery ticket? CCIJ’s Jeff Lowenstein tells The Academic Minute that win or lose, it could do more harm than good.