#ProtestReportingProject : Reporting on Protest In Southern Africa Then and Now

Raymond Joseph and Mongie Zulu, despite being from different generations, have a deep drive for reporting on civil unrest in their country.

CCIJ Roundup: Ghana’s MTN Tower Deal

A new article on the CCIJ blog reveals the millions of dollars Ghana could lose in a new deal with a mobile phone tower business. New ground is gained in the Gaming the Lottery Project.

CCIJ Round Up: The Battle for Water In Bulawayo Continues

A new blog post explores the battle for clean water in Zimbabwe. We look back on the month of August. Advances are made in the longstanding investigation into the South African Lottery.

CCIJ Round Up: New H2OFail Reports Released

Two new reports on the dangers of water collection– both for those gathering and drinking it– are released. Innovation Director Jon Lowenstein publishes two new projects on racism in America. Our community gets to know partner organization Volume, a South African podcasting company, better.

Gaming the Lottery

Mystery grows over province’s R23.7m Lotto ‘boxing arena’

Boxing arena? Where? This was the response of Boxing SA (BSA) in the province to the news that the National Lotteries Commission (NLC) more than a year ago paid R23.7m to build a state-of-the-art boxing facility in the Eastern Cape.

CCIJ Weekly Round-Up: July 27-31

Mayor Otu discusses being a documentary photographer and his “Water of Katampe” series. Sonja Smith talks about her journey into journalism. Andiswa Matikinca joins CCIJ on Instagram Live. Ground is gained in CCIJ’s Gaming the Lottery Project. Neha Hirve is a finalist for a prestigious award.

Gaming the Lottery

Government investigates lottery

Minister Ebrahim Patel confirms probe in letter to Parliament

Gaming the Lottery

Hijacked organisation gets millions in Lottery grants

Police demand proof before accepting criminal complaint

Gaming the Lottery

United Civil Society in Action sues GroundUp and the National Lotteries Commission

Case brought after GroundUp exposed dodgy grants and looting of funds

Gaming the Lottery

“Lawfare” launched against GroundUp to stop us exposing lottery corruption

The National Lotteries Commission is a corrupt, captured state institution that is enabling the pillaging of poor people’s money